Sunday, July 28, 2013

Khloee's 1 year Photo Shoot (courtesy of Daxton, Jaden and Kira)

 Daxton took this pic, he decided how to edit them too. 

 I took the one below... or Daxton did... I can't remember now.

 Daxton's picture of her is my favorite (above). I edited it to my own personal liking. I'm framing this one. :)

 Daxton took this photo...

 and these ones.... (above and below)

 Classic Khloee Pout

 Jaden took these ones (above and below)

 Um... I think Jaden did this one too... 
 I had a blast editing their photos. Both boys did an AMAZING Job!

 Dax's poster 
Jaden's Poster

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